Have you ever wondered exactly how hackers Hack? Have you been looking for a course that teaches you all the basics to Advance of both cyber security and Penetration testing in an ordered manner? If so then this course absolutely perfect for you.
This comprehensive course on ethical hacking commenc...es from the basic blocks which is just right for beginners. The hacking classes begin by covering the basic information about ethical hacking and different fields of penetration testing. Then the course gradually moves on towards a more advanced level
Although Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Course focused on the practical side of Hacking, the theory behind every attack is also covered along with. Before jumping into Hacking, you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software to practice these hacking techniques on your own machine. All the attacks explained in this course are launched against real devices in the Hacking Lab.

This Ultimate Hacking course is Prepared for beginners. If you are a beginner you will start from nil until you become a Master
• Who is the target audience?
• One who wants to Learn Ethical Hacking from starch
• One who wants to Fill Their Knowledge gaps in Ethical hacking Methodology
• One who wants to begin their journey to become a Master for Hacking
• One who wants to become Ethical Hacker and Cyber Security Expert.
• One who is desperately eager to learn how Hackers hack computer system.
• One who wants to know how to secure his system from any cyber attack

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You can find here the full syllabus of course: Ethical Hacking For Beginners

001 Introduction to Ethical Hacking For Beginner
002 Lab Creation 1
003 Lab Creation 2
004 Lab Kali Linux
005 Vb Spoitable
006 Creating Snapshot
007 Lab VMware
008 VMware Spoit
009 Network 1
010 Network Basics 2
011 Linux Intro
012 Linux Basic Commands
013 Apt-Get Command
014 Footprinting
015 Footprinting- ZenMap
016 GHDB - Footprinting
017 Scanning - Auto scan
018 Gaining Access Melting 1
019 Gaining Access Meltigo 2
020 Gaining Access Meltigo 3
021 System Hacking
022 System Hacking Registry Ex
023 System Hacking - Value
024 System Hacking - Hklm
025 System Hacking - CMD
026 System Hacking REG - CMD
027 System Hacking GPEDIT
028 Syskey Password Intro
029 Hiren Boot
030 Syskey Crack
031 Social Engineering
032 Steganography Intro
033 Steganography Xiao
034 Cryptography Intro
035 Sniffing
036 Wireshark Download
037 Wireshark Demo
038 Trojans Intro
039 Web Hacking Lab With OWASP Multitude
040 Web- Hacking Lab XAMPP Download
041 Web Hacking Lab XAMPP Installation
042 Web Hacking Lab
043 Web Hacking Lab DVWA Download
044 Web Hacking Lab DVWA Installation
045 SQL Injection Intro
046 SQL Injection at DVWA
047 Dos Attack Intro
048 DDos Attack Intro
049 Ping Flood Attack
050 Cross Site Scripting
051 Cross Site Scripting - Parts-1
052 Cross Site Scripting Reflected
053 Cross Site Scripting Stored 1-1
054 Cross Site Scripting Stored 1-2
055 Connect Wireless Adapter To Kali-1
056 What Is Mac Address and How to Change It
057 Wireless LAN Card Monitor Mode-1
058 Fluxion Download And Install Part -1
059 Wifi Password Capture Kali-1
060 Create Wordlist With Crunch
061 Session Hijacking & Trojans